Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Practicing Emotional Awareness

Many people deny their negative emotions by burying them or doing their best to ignore them or numb themselves out. When you begin to create emotional awareness you can use your negative emotions to help you heal your mind and body. As you create awareness you can begin to purposefully shift from feeling fear toward HOPE. You can move yourself from Anger to Content. In this episode Sue shares a simple tool you can use to become aware of your emotions, make peace with where you are and help you shift into feeling more hopeful, peaceful and empowered in all areas of your life.

Click here to listen to this radio episode.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You Are Not Alone

If you are dealing with fertility challenges you may be feeling misunderstood and alone. While the path you walk is very unique, you are not alone on your fertility journey. There are many women all over the world experiencing similar challenges and would love to connect and experience a sense of community and belonging.

In this episode Sue talks about ways you can create a community of support for yourself on your journey. There is support out there and Sue will guide you in finding what resources are best for you.

Click here to listen to this Redefining Fertility Radio Show episode